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A transformational capital project to build a new state-of-the art performance hall in the centre of Cape Town, attracting international recognition of the circus as a tool for social change and enabling Zip Zap to become a self-sustaining social enterprise.

Quick Donate
Help us raise the big top! Support our circus building project and be a part of the magic under the stars. Your donation brings dreams to life!
Secure, fast donation method.

Visit the Zip Zap Shop
Visit our Zip Zap Mall where you can “buy” anything from a brick to a share in one of Zip Zap’s Programmes or nmaybe a share in a flying trapeze?
All “purchases” will go to the building fund

Let me experience the Zip Zap Arena
Here we tell you all about the Zip Zap Arena, where it all started, from the idea to the final renders. Experience an evening at the Zip Zap Arena to see our internationally famous Moyo show.
Visit our world of magic!

Join our Loyalty Programme
Join the Zip Zap Arena Fundraising Loyalty Programme and become a star in our show! Your continued support makes all the difference.
Sign up today and be rewarded!